2022 is Our Year!

Silver Screen Cinema Studios is excited for 2022!  We have a lot of great things happening here. 

We have 2 short films planned for the year.  They are Speed Dating & A Father’s Love.  More information will be coming on these films.  We might even do a third this year.   

We also have a feature film in development.  We’ll share more as we’re able to. 

We will also be launching our own VOD platform later this year where all our content (short films, feature films & series) will be available for purchase. 

We’re also adding pieces to our equipment, which is available to rent through our rental division, Silver Screen Cinema Supply.  You can find more information on the equipment at Supply’s website or Facebook page. 

We are also providing acting workshops through our training division, Silver Screen Cinema Academy.  Check out Academy’s website and Facebook page for more information on these workshops.  We’ll be adding more workshops as we’re able to. 

We love movies that bring smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes.

There are a lot of dark clouds out there, but there is always a bright side. There is always a Silver Lining. Our goal as a company is to help our Family Members and Friends see and experience this bright side. Dreams are made inside the Silver Lining.

Our promise is to bring happiness and excitement into the lives of our Family Members and Friends. Silver Screen Cinema Studios is passionate about producing exciting, inspiring and uplifting entertainment.

We embrace the fact that wholesome entertainment raises the whole standard of a nation, while inappropriate entertainment lowers the moral ideals of the same.

Silver Screen Cinema Studios, where your entertainment is never Restricted!