Values-Based Storytelling: We Need It Now!

Values-Based Storytelling

In a recent Open Letter to Hollywood, which was signed by over 100 actors, directors and producers, it stated that, “we must underscore that values-based storytelling is needed now more than ever…” As an Entertainment Family, Silver Screen Cinema Studios agrees with this statement.

What values should our storytelling be based on?   This is a very important question.  We believe in this statement from the Motion Picture Production Code of the 1930s, “wholesome entertainment raises the whole standard of a nation, while inappropriate entertainment lowers the moral ideals of the same.” 

The Values of Basic Human Decency

Though there are dozens of different values, many of which most people don’t share, there are however some values that are universally accepted: honesty, loyalty, helpfulness, kindness, cheerfulness, self-control, cleanliness, inclusion and more.  These encompass basic human decency.  These values are what connect us as human beings.  These values are not religion, culture, country or organization specific.  They are universal. 

Values are Financially Sound

These same values are the values that we as an Entertainment Family focus on.  We’re not a faith-based Entertainment Family.  We are a Values-Based Entertainment Family.  These are the stories that we tell.  These are the stories our society, our country, and our world, needs right now.  And it’s these stories that our society, our country and our world, wants right now. 

This is why all films produced and distributed by Silver Screen Cinema Studios will not receive a higher rating than PG-13 from the Motion Picture Association (MPA), previously the Motion Picture Association of America (the MPAA).  R-rated and X-rated films will not be produced by the Studio. 

This decision is not only on moral grounds, which it is, but also financial.  PG-13 rated films between 1995 to 2024 came to a total of 3483 pictures.  These films brought in $124.4 billion at the box-office, where R-rated films came to a total of 5783 films, bringing in only $67 billion at the box-office.  PG rated films in the same time frame numbered just 1642 pictures bringing in $52.9 billion at the box-office. 

When broken down by year, the same results are found.  The R-rated films almost double the PG-13 films, yet the PG-13 films bring in double the box-office returns.  PG-rated films are only about half the number of PG-13 films, yet they bring in almost as much at the box-office as the R-rated films. 

2023 was the first year to where PG-rated films have surpassed R-rated film in box-office revenue, bringing in over $2.1 billion with 48 films where R-rated films have only brought in $1.9 billion with 140 films. 

values-based storytelling is in the numbers
Numbers provided by

Stories have the power to connect people.  They have the power to educate and entertain.  They have the power to inspire and uplift.  Stories have done this for thousands of years.  The stories that endure are the ones that do this.  Stories also have the power to destroy and pull down.  These are the stories that we will stay away from. 

We love stories that bring smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes.  There are a lot of dark clouds out there, but there is always a bright side.  There is always a Silver Lining.  We want everyone to experience this Silver Lining.  Our Promise is to bring happiness and excitement into the lives of our Family Members and Friends.  This is why we embrace the fact the “wholesome entertainment raises the whole standard of a nation, while inappropriate entertainment lowers the moral ideals of the same.” 

You Can Help Us Do This!

You can help us do this.  When you become a Silver Lining Insider, you are showing the world that you believe in Values-Based Entertainment.  You believe in Family Entertainment. 

Not only will you help us produce exciting and inspiring movies and TV shows, as an Insider you will have access to exclusive Insider merchandise and events, as well as receive discounts on Studio Products.  Also, you’ll help us build the Studio Lot so we can make these movies that will inspire audiences and bring smiles to their faces. Become an Insider today!

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