Values-Based Entertainment, what is it?

Values-Based Entertainment

We have had a lot of people asking us, “What’s Values-Based Entertainment?”  This is a legitimate question, especially since Hollywood, under the guise of “Creative License”, has let anything be depicted on the screen without any thought to their moral obligation to their audiences. 

Does this mean that all entertainment needs to be fluffy and childish?  Of course not.  It does mean that storytellers need to be aware of their audience and what their stories will be teaching them.  All stories, all entertainment, teach to some degree.  The questions is “What is the story teaching?”

This is a question we at Silver Screen Cinema Studios, ask over and over again while we make a film, TV show, event and more. 

Yes, our Entertainment is Family Friendly.  We do produce Family Entertainment, but it’s more than that.  We produce entertainment that teaches and inspires our audiences, our Friends, to be better and cultivate and appreciate basic human values. 

What values should our entertainment experiences be based on?   This is a very important question.  We believe in this statement from the Motion Picture Production Code of the 1930s, “wholesome entertainment raises the whole standard of a nation, while inappropriate entertainment lowers the moral ideals of the same.” 

Though there are dozens of different values, many of which most people don’t share, there are however some values that are universally accepted: honesty, loyalty, helpfulness, kindness, cheerfulness, self-control, cleanliness, inclusion and more.  These encompass basic human decency.  These values are what connect us as human beings.  These values are not religion, culture, country or organization specific.  They are universal. 

These same values are the values that we as an Entertainment Family focus on.  We’re not a faith-based Entertainment Family.  We are a value-driven Entertainment Family.  These are the stories that we tell.  These are the stories our society, our country, and our world, needs right now.  And it’s these stories that our society, our country and our world, wants right now. 

As a Studio that focuses on Values-Based Entertainment, we promise that our entertainment will not bleed over to Agenda-Based Entertainment.  We don’t want to push our personal thoughts and feeling onto our audiences, our Friends.  We want our entertainment to teach universal truths and values that are a cornerstone to society. 

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You can help us do this.  When you become a Silver Lining INSIDER, you are showing the world that you believe in Values-Based Entertainment.  You believe in Family Entertainment. 

Not only will you help us produce exciting and inspiring movies and TV shows, as an INSIDER you will have access to exclusive INSIDER merchandise and events, as well as receive discounts on Studio Products.  Also, you’ll help us build the Studio Lot so we can make these movies that will inspire audiences and bring smiles to their faces. Become an INSIDER today!