Values-Based vs Agenda-Based Storytelling

Values-Based Storytelling vs Agenda-Based Storytelling

Values-Based Storytelling and Agenda-Based Storytelling is a hot topic right now. There has been a lot of finger-pointing at different studios lately saying that they have been more interested in “Sending a message” than entertaining.  The studios have been accused of wanting to push their agendas onto audiences instead of wanting to entertain them.

We’re not here to point fingers, but to show the difference of Values-Based Storytelling verse Agenda-Based Storytelling.  Some people are under the impression that Values-Based and Agenda-Based Storytelling are the same thing.  There is a difference.    

What is Values-Based Storytelling?

Our last post went over Values-Based Storytelling and the importance of teaching values and morals in entertainment.  This is what entertainment should be doing.  It’s what storytelling as been doing to thousands of years and will continue to do the next thousand years. 

Why is this different than Agenda-Based Storytelling?  Values-Based Storytelling is, as mentioned in our previous post, focused on universal values and morals.  To quote our last post, “there are…some values that are universally accepted: honesty, loyalty, helpfulness, kindness, cheerfulness, self-control, cleanliness, inclusion and more.  These encompass basic human decency.  These values are what connect us as human beings.  These values are not religion, culture, country or organization specific.  They are universal.”  These values are timeless and connect with all people.    

What is Agenda-Based Storytelling?

Agenda-Based Storytelling on the other hand is soap-box storytelling.  This type of storytelling is trying to force the singly held thoughts and feels of the storyteller onto the audience.  It’s usually used to advance the specific storytellers wants and desires.  It’s usually not done to inspire society, but to get society to accept a certain point of view.    These are usually thoughts and feelings that are not universally accepted.

Some people also believe that Faith-Based Storytelling is Agenda-Based Storytelling.  In some instances, Faith-Based Storytelling can be Agenda-Based Storytelling.  When a Faith-Based story attempts to push a specific faith or religion on an audience, then it can fall into the category of Agenda-Based Storytelling.  When a Faith-Based story teaches universal values, without pushing its specific faith or religion on the audience, then it falls within the Values-Based category. 

As a Studio that focuses on Values-Based Storytelling, we promise that our entertainment will not bleed over to Agenda-Based Storytelling.  We don’t want to push our personal thoughts and feeling onto our audiences, our Friends.  We want our entertainment to teach universal truths and values that are a cornerstone to society. 

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