Values-Based Entertainment, what is it?

We have had a lot of people asking us, “What’s Values-Based Entertainment?”  This is a legitimate question, especially since Hollywood, under the guise of “Creative License”, has let anything be depicted on the screen without any thought to their moral obligation to their audiences.  Does this mean that all entertainment needs to be fluffy and Read More …

Values-Based Storytelling: We Need It Now!

In a recent Open Letter to Hollywood, which was signed by over 100 actors, directors and producers, it stated that, “we must underscore that values-based storytelling is needed now more than ever…” As an Entertainment Family, Silver Screen Cinema Studios agrees with this statement. What values should our storytelling be based on?   This is a Read More …

Studio Lot to be Home for SSCP Office Building

Silver Screen Cinema Productions (SSCP), the production arm of The Studio, will have its main offices on the Studio Lot.  As mentioned in a previous post, every movie and TV show needs a headquarters, a home base that it can operate out of. This is the Production Office.  Even if the production travels to different Read More …

Non-Negotiables – No Ifs, Ands or Buts

As a Studio, and as a Family (company) in the Evan Brown Corporate Family Tree, our Family has some Non-Negotiables that we’ll always follow.  These will never change.  These Non-Negotiables reflect our values as a company and a Corporate Family operating in today’s world.  As a Family company, we only provide entertainment that families can Read More …

Producing Great Content with Productions

Silver Screen Cinema Studios can only provide creative and inspiring content with a top production company to make the pictures. Silver Screen Cinema Productions is the production arm of Silver Screen Cinema Studios. The Company was established in 2008 to produce all the film projects created by the Studio. Silver Screen Cinema Productions is the Read More …

Our Equipment Rental Division

Silver Screen Cinema Supply Silver Screen Cinema Supply is the Rental Division of Silver Screen Cinema Studios.  We provide equipment for all departments, camera, sound, grip, lighting and more.  You can also purchase expendables.  All equipment rentals and expendables purchases can be done through the Silver Screen Cinema Supply website. We’ve been working with local filmmakers since Read More …

The Pool Game – Feature Film Highlight

The Pool Game: The Game Has Never Been So Dangerous Gabe Kelly, an ex-pool champion, and his wife Jane who are just going through life, trying to get by.  They just bought a new home and are starting to settle down.  Everything is looking up for them, until Jane doesn’t come home from a business Read More …

Dreams are Made Inside the Silver Lining

What is the Silver Lining? As you know our motto is Dreams are Made Inside the Silver Lining.  You might be wondering, “what is the Silver Lining?”  The Silver Lining is the good in the world.  It’s the bright side of every situation.  Not only is the Silver Lining what we look for as a Read More …

Utah To Get New Studio Lot

A New Movie Studio Lot will Bring Hollywood to the State Silver Screen Cinema Studios will be building a Movie Studio Lot in Utah! A Studio Lot where we can produce our own movies and bring outside movies to Utah, building our economy. Utah used to be the 3rd most filmed-in state in the country, Read More …

Introducing Evan Brown, the Director of The Pool Game

We’d like to introduce you to our Director, Evan Brown. Evan is an owner of Silver Screen Cinema Productions, the production company signed on to produce The Pool Game for the Studio.  He has been with Silver Screen Cinema Productions since it opened in 2008.  He is a skilled director, specializing in working with actors.  Read More …