Values-Based Entertainment, what is it?

We have had a lot of people asking us, “What’s Values-Based Entertainment?”  This is a legitimate question, especially since Hollywood, under the guise of “Creative License”, has let anything be depicted on the screen without any thought to their moral obligation to their audiences.  Does this mean that all entertainment needs to be fluffy and Read More …

Values-Based vs Agenda-Based Storytelling

Values-Based Storytelling and Agenda-Based Storytelling is a hot topic right now. There has been a lot of finger-pointing at different studios lately saying that they have been more interested in “Sending a message” than entertaining.  The studios have been accused of wanting to push their agendas onto audiences instead of wanting to entertain them. We’re Read More …

Values-Based Storytelling: We Need It Now!

In a recent Open Letter to Hollywood, which was signed by over 100 actors, directors and producers, it stated that, “we must underscore that values-based storytelling is needed now more than ever…” As an Entertainment Family, Silver Screen Cinema Studios agrees with this statement. What values should our storytelling be based on?   This is a Read More …

Studio Lot to be Home for SSCP Office Building

Silver Screen Cinema Productions (SSCP), the production arm of The Studio, will have its main offices on the Studio Lot.  As mentioned in a previous post, every movie and TV show needs a headquarters, a home base that it can operate out of. This is the Production Office.  Even if the production travels to different Read More …

Amazing Movies to Entertain and Inspire You!

As a movie studio, it’s Silver Screen Cinema Studios privilege to produce and distribute movies and television shows that entertain and inspire. We’re not a faith-based studio, however, we do believe in good old-fashioned values. We believe great movies and great television can bring families together to share an experience. This is why we’ll never Read More …

Virtual Production Comes to Our Delta Stage!

The fourth of the 26 state-of-the-art purpose-built sound stages that will be on our Studio Lot will be our virtual production Delta Stage.  Our Delta Stage will be our permanent LED Video Wall stage.    The Delta Stage will be 250’ long by 150’ wide with a grid height of 45’.  There will be 3 bay Read More …

360° Cyc Stage

The third of the 26 state-of-the-art purpose-built sound stages that will be on our Studio Lot will be our Charlie Stage.  Our Charlie Stage will be another one of our mega sound stages with over 50,000 square feet of production space.  The Charlie Stage is our permanent Cyc Stage.     The Charlie Stage will be Read More …

Non-Negotiables – No Ifs, Ands or Buts

As a Studio, and as a Family (company) in the Evan Brown Corporate Family Tree, our Family has some Non-Negotiables that we’ll always follow.  These will never change.  These Non-Negotiables reflect our values as a company and a Corporate Family operating in today’s world.  As a Family company, we only provide entertainment that families can Read More …

Massive Mega-Stage Bravo on Lot

Our Second Largest Mega-Stage on the Studio Lot The second of the 26 state-of-the-art purpose-built sound stages that will be on our Studio Lot will be our Bravo Stage, another massive mega-stage.  Our Bravo Stage will be one of our mega sound stages with over 100,000 square feet of production space.  The Bravo Stage can Read More …

The Paul I & Julia Brown Buildings

The Paul I Brown and Julia Brown Buildings are the Twin Office Buildings that will be on the Studio Lot near the Main Gate in the Silver Lining and next to our Alpha Stage.  These two office towers will be mirror images of each other.  The two towers will house the main operations of the Read More …