Every Movie Needs a Headquarters

Every movie and TV show, large and small, needs a headquarters, a home base that it can operate out of. This is the Production Office.  Even if the production travels to different states or even countries, there is still a singular office coordinating everything.  Even though each location can have its own office set up Read More …

Dreams are Made Inside the Silver Lining

What is the Silver Lining? As you know our motto is Dreams are Made Inside the Silver Lining.  You might be wondering, “what is the Silver Lining?”  The Silver Lining is the good in the world.  It’s the bright side of every situation.  Not only is the Silver Lining what we look for as a Read More …

Utah To Get New Studio Lot

A New Movie Studio Lot will Bring Hollywood to the State Silver Screen Cinema Studios will be building a Movie Studio Lot in Utah! A Studio Lot where we can produce our own movies and bring outside movies to Utah, building our economy. Utah used to be the 3rd most filmed-in state in the country, Read More …