Values-Based Entertainment, what is it?

We have had a lot of people asking us, “What’s Values-Based Entertainment?”  This is a legitimate question, especially since Hollywood, under the guise of “Creative License”, has let anything be depicted on the screen without any thought to their moral obligation to their audiences.  Does this mean that all entertainment needs to be fluffy and Read More …

Values-Based vs Agenda-Based Storytelling

Values-Based Storytelling and Agenda-Based Storytelling is a hot topic right now. There has been a lot of finger-pointing at different studios lately saying that they have been more interested in “Sending a message” than entertaining.  The studios have been accused of wanting to push their agendas onto audiences instead of wanting to entertain them. We’re Read More …

Values-Based Storytelling: We Need It Now!

In a recent Open Letter to Hollywood, which was signed by over 100 actors, directors and producers, it stated that, “we must underscore that values-based storytelling is needed now more than ever…” As an Entertainment Family, Silver Screen Cinema Studios agrees with this statement. What values should our storytelling be based on?   This is a Read More …